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Seeking Child Custody? Avoid These Mistakes.

Divorce isn’t easy. What makes it much more emotional and complex, though, is having children with your estranged spouse and determining child custody, child visitation, and child support matters. It’s inevitable the process of determining these divorce-related concerns will be challenging, and highly probably you will disagree with your ex on what constitutes a fair custody arrangement for your children.

Cooperate with Your Ex on Handling Custody

The fact is that your behavior towards your children isn’t the only thing under the microscope when the courts determine child custody – it’s how you behavior towards your ex, too. The court’s priority is to do what is in the best interest of the children, and as a result, most courts are more favorable to parents who are effective co-parents. While it likely goes against your instincts to take a deep breath and come to a mutually satisfying agreement, it could help you land a more favorable custody arrangement.

Think Twice Before You Vent on Social Media

Try not to air out your dirty laundry on social media, as tempting as it may seem. Even if you think you have your social accounts under lock and key away from your ex’s prying eyes, it’s impossible to ensure your privacy when it comes to what you post on the internet. In the end, getting your woes off your chest could do more harm than good when the other parent uses those posts against you and using it as evidence.

Comply with Other Court Orders

Child custody determination usually overlaps with other legal disputes such as child visitation and child support. If you fail to comply with court orders, such as neglecting to make on-time child support payments or hiding assets from your spouse in a property division case, it could negatively impact your credibility. Family court wants a trustworthy parent who prioritizes their child’s wellbeing, and although you may think you can get away with poor behavior towards your soon-to-be ex, you should think critically before you take a wrong step.

Make Sure You Hire a Skilled Family Lawyer

A knowledgeable attorney can effectively negotiate a favorable child custody outcome for you that is truly in the best interests of your child and your family. Cynthia Tracy, Attorney at Law, P.C., is here to help work with you to develop a solid strategy to meet your unique needs.

To make an appointment with our team, please contact us online or by calling (281) 612-5443.
